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Improving the consistency of sales across a geographically dispersed team

SBR Consulting supported the development of up-and-coming people within the business towards being effective in a BD context.

Alpha was originally based in the UK and had very small offices in Paris and Luxembourg. Now Alpha have over 350 people in the organisation.

What did Alpha FMC want to achieve?

In 2010, Alpha only had 100 employees and wanted senior management training. Culture is hugely important to Alpha. One of the challenges for any growing business is making sure they have a shared vision.

The results

Originally, only new directors that came into the company had SBR’s training. As it was so valuable, newer people, established salespeople, the junior team or anyone interested in BD now benefit from the training.

Alpha treats the sales habits taught from SBR as being the kernel of their behaviour, which they implement as a specific focus of consultancy.

The thing that still sticks today is how to have effective conversations with someone who may not want to have a conversation or to meet. SBR provided scripts and a model on the flow of questioning to drive the calls.

Stuart McNulty
Chief Executive Officer

SBR’s approach

SBR saw what Alpha do as an asset management consultancy as being different from other consultancy firms. They wanted Alpha to get a shared view of what a good sales process looked like.

About Alpha FMC

Alpha FMC offers specialist consultancy services to the asset management, wealth management and insurance industries.

Company size

501-1,000 employees


Business consulting and services

SBR services

Sales performance, sales training, sales coaching

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