For extra reading, visit The Complete Guide to Getting Started with Cold Email from Hunter.

How to get a 92% Open Rate – Cold Email Template

You think it’s not true, right? Maybe because of the fad that has been around that Cold Emailing is dead. But, when 59% of marketers trust emails for lead generation, you know e-mail lead generation WORKS!

Why? Here’s an example of an agency building a $400K business in 30 days using cold emails. Meticulously planned email templates winning 16 New B2B Customers and email marketing boasting of a mighty 4200% ROI ($42 for every $1 spent). Hence, proved 😉

But, it’s not just a random chance that cold emailing generated these results. At The Scalelab we would love to show you how the magic is done! In this article, you’d know:

  • What not to do when sending outbound emails?
  • Email Sequence with a 92% Open Rate!!!
  • A Checklist for Your Next Cold Email Campaign



What is an Email Sequence?

To use outbound emails for lead generation, sending a single email won’t do. So, you have to think of a long-term strategy. That means sending a series of interlinked emails — each triggering your prospect to reply. This is also called Drip Email Campaigns.

A chain of emails, preferably automated and triggered based on prospect’s behavior, sent in pre-set time intervals or based on a response – form an email drip sequence.

But first…



Here’s what you should NEVER do!




Let’s break it down, why this won’t work:

  1. “We understand the value of your business and its requirements” — The introduction is vague and seems like it has been copied in every email.
  2. “We are the top 25 consultants…” — No proof. How can the prospect believe the claim without seeing any link? And it’s irrelevant as the mail hasn’t addressed any pain points.
  3. “70 professionals who are deals in” — Grammatically incorrect. Unforgivable 🙄
  4. “Please feel free to let us know if you are looking for either of these services.” — Unconvincing and overused. And ‘let us know’ is a passive call to action. Refrain from using that in emails…
  5. The Missing WHY! — It does not give a reason why the prospect should be interested in their product, thus, failing on multiple levels.



An Example (not from The Scalelab) of What Works!





Why is it good?

It uses the AIDA rule (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action).

  1. “Did you know your website isn’t visible on Google’s first page of search results…” — The subject and first line are compelling and personalized to the prospect who will relate to the issue 😯 (Attention)
  2. “This problem could be due to several reasons.” — Addresses the pain point and piques interest. This is also supported by relevant stats to build trust. (Interest)
  3. “So your budget is free to focus on other avenues like video customer testimonials, new product lines.” — That’s quite a promise! 🤝 It gives a solution to an impending problem, thus, generating a need to buy the product. (Desire)
  4. “Hit reply for your free website audit report.” — The CTA is convincing, powerful, and sure to induce a response. (Action)

Now, here’s an example of a super-successful email sequence that we did at The Scalelab.


THIS Email Sequence Generated 92% Open Rate For Us!

Source: Lemlist Campaign Reports

Here’s breaking down the what, why, and how…


Our Goal

Since we’re into the business of scouting clients for companies, we decided to target companies currently hiring for Business Development related positions. Precisely, reaching out to the C-levels, MDs and Heads of BD/Sales.

🎯 Companies ranged from mid to large corporations at the likes of Tencent, Citibank, Mercer Randstad, DBS Bank, Mastercard, The Economist and many more.


Our Strategy

  1. Identifying our Prospects
  2. We used LinkedIn to identify companies hiring actively for Salespeople/BDs.
  3. Next, we extracted different data points (FirstName, CompanyName, JobTitle, JobURL, Email, LinkedIn URL…) — which were compiled together.
  4. Last, we used the extracted data to compose a hyper-personalized email outreach sequence for lead generation by combining LinkedIn & Email
  5. Create an Outreach Campaign (Total Duration = 19 days)
  6. Visit LinkedIn Profile.
  7. Send Email (immediately after the previous step).
  8. Send first Follow-up Email (2 days later).
  9. Visit LinkedIn Profile again (2 days later).
  10. Send a LinkedIn Connection Request (1 day later).
  11. Send an Email (2 days later).
  12. Send a Follow-up Email (4 days later).
  13. Send a LinkedIn Message (2 days later).
  14. Send another Email (2 days later).
  • Send Last Email (4 days later).

Now, here’s what we actually did!


2.1. Visit LinkedIn Profile #1

We start the outreach by automatically visiting a given prospect’s LinkedIn Profile. We call this an “outreach warm-up”.

Why? Because this gives a chance to be recognized by a prospect when you land in their inbox.


2.2. Email #1

For the first email, Arnaud sent a picture of himself with handwritten notes. Notes that our system personalizes to each prospect. Yes, it’s possible.


Why? Because it was personal, unique, and showed our personality. We show that we really care for your business (and that we can personalize your emails, just like we did ours!).


2.3. Follow-up Email #1

Sent 2 days after the previous mail. A simple email following the previous one, with just 3 words! Short is your ally.

Why? We don’t want to put too much pressure on our prospect. And also did not want them to read a tsunami of words, especially if they actually didn’t read the previous email.


2.4. Visit LinkedIn Profile #2

Happens 2 days after the follow-up mail. Our system automatically gets Arnaud’s Linkedin to visits a prospect’s profile when they haven’t responded.



Why? Because it reminds the prospect that Arnaud is keen to connect, without being pushy.


2.5. LinkedIn Connection Invite

Sent 1 day after the profile visit. A note is added to the connection request and this is how a cross-channel outreach starts, combining Email and LinkedIn.

Why? We had sent 2 emails already. But, what if our prospect missed it? Using LinkedIn on top of your emails creates another touchpoint to reach your prospects.


2.6. Email #2

Sent 2 days after the previous invite. We went a step ahead with our third email.


Why? Everyone connects with Coffee ☕️ so not only does the text but also the image trigger a reaction. Also, our system can automatically personalize the text on the image (the name on the cup changes based on the prospect’s name).



2.7. Follow-up Email #2

Sent 4 days after the previous mail.

Why? Humor the prospect even when they don’t reply. And we also gave a subtle, easy CTA with our calendar link to make it seamless for the prospect to schedule a call.



2.8. LinkedIn Message

Sent 2 days after the previous mail. We really kept it short, simple, sweet.

Why? It’s about reminding the prospect that you’re waiting for their response.



2.9. Email #3

Sent 2 days after the previous LinkedIn message.

Why? Along with our service offering, we focused on how it could benefit the prospect, put a unique spin to it (with the sales rocket), and ended with a CTA that we had already begun work i.e. had a solution for them ready! — to trigger a response.



2.10. Follow-up Email #3

Sent 4 days after the previous mail. This was the final email in our campaign.


Why? We had sent 6 emails, 2 Profile visits and 2 LinkedIn messages already. By now prospects who don’t reply must have a good reason not to. Though, it doesn’t hurt to simply ask about their priority.


And that was it!


For effective lead generation via outbound emails, we leveraged:

  • Smart Prospect Research
  • Quality Data Extraction
  • A combination of Email and LinkedIn
  • Messages that are human and conversational. Nothing standard.

And lo! 6 emails 2 Profile visits and 2 LinkedIn messages later, the results were:

Which finally brings us to…


A Checklist for Your Next Cold Email Campaign


Ace your outbound email lead generation with this checklist of things you can follow:

  1. Hyper-Focus!
  • Research about the company and the person you’re writing the email to.
  • Focus on their exact pain points or business goals. Do note that these goals depend on your prospect’s job role. So, tailor your message accordingly. Some of the common goals include:
  • Increase revenue
  • Get more clients
  • Reduce operational expenses
  • Grow their business (market share, brand awareness, reach)
  • Improve their performance

TIP: Keep in mind: The Rule of One.


  1. Follow Up!

The treasure of email outreach lies in follow-ups. Enough said.


Why? Because people are busy. They receive 100+ emails every day. And they can miss replying to your email. So, send them another email as a reminder.

Best Practices for Sending Follow Up Emails

✅ Ask a question relating to the previous email’s CTA.

✅ Focus on the prospect, not you.

✅ Add a sense of humor, so they don’t forget you. 😉 — try adding an image, or even a gif!

(It’s about being human and approachable – nobody wants to feel like they’re on a spreadsheet)


Things NOT to do when Following Up

❌ Don’t send generic follow-up emails (“just checking in”).

❌ Copy-paste your first email entirely. Nobody wants to hear the same things again and again. Uhhh, that’s so annoying!

❌ Don’t make it long. So, no long customer stories, no descriptions. In doubt, the shorter the better.


Factors to A/B Test your Cold Emails

  • Subject line
  • Opening line
  • Call To Action variations
  • Day or time to send emails
  • Frequency of follow-up emails
  • Length of the copy
  • Image Insertion



Summing It Up…

The main thing we deduce from this is — Cold Email Lead Generation WORKS!

Be genuine. Use some light humor. Or even send in a couple of pictures. This converts a cold email into a warm one 💙 And also makes your email stand out. This worked with C-levels and MDs at some of the largest (and traditional) corporations.

If you want to improve your emailing metrics, you need to do things differently. Our approach focuses on creating human, approachable, conversational and un-intimidating messages.

Use this to create your cold emailing sequence today. And just comment below if you need our help!


To talk to us more, please get in touch by emailing or call us on +44 (0) 207 653 3740.

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