In a highly challenging and competitive environment, you have to make every call, every pitch, and every proposal count. Here, we discuss the uplift in sales that can be achieved with a well-executed sales enablement programme.
Does the world’s best sales training system exist? How do you select the right sales system to embed in your company?
In addition to improving the effectiveness of their sales teams, our clients are always focused on how to grow those teams as efficiently and successfully as possible. How can you make every new hire count?
Virtual Selling has become a major part of the sales environment, in this blog we guide you through 8 steps to maximise your virtual sales effectiveness.
In our latest blog, we look at digital networking, focusing on where we build our networks and which skills we need to develop to increase their effectiveness.
In this blog, we ask the question “How often do we recruit salespeople based on their personality and our perception of how this will help them to sell to our customer base, rather than their understanding of and ability to follow a process?”
At some point, every salesperson asks themselves, “How can I get higher quality leads that are more likely to turn into business?”
Richard Branson said, “Show me an entrepreneur who says they have never failed and I will show you a liar.” Here are 3 tips for improving resilience and positivity in sales.
Here we look at two types of individuals in consulting firms, “the professional salesman,” and “the professional who can also sell.”
A regular pipeline review can help guide, motivate, upskill, and enable our sales teams. Here’s how to make your pipeline review effective in 4 parts.
In our latest blog, we explore the negative perception of salespeople, and offer tips on how to elevate the perception people have of selling.
How can sales and marketing teams put their differences aside, get a better understanding of how each other work, and better support each other to smash next quarter’s targets?
In this blog post, we share 6 top tips related to active listening, and how salespeople and sales managers can improve their active listening skills.
These steps help you take on LinkedIn, so you can target the decision-makers that matter, grow your network, and create a steady stream of leads.
Share some special techniques with your sales team that will help them to sell in a virtual environment during lockdown.
With the ongoing economic and social disruption resulting from the Covid-19 outbreak, adapting to the “New Norm” will be a continuous process. Therefore it’s essential that you keep up to date with the latest sales and coaching advice and research.
In short, if you haven’t already you should do this from the perspective of enhancing your team’s sales effectiveness but also from the perspective of if you have an aspiration to raise funds or sell your business.
In this blog, we discuss techniques to ensure your team stay motivated, productive and engaged during lockdown.
As salespeople, we’re always told that we need to ask prospects “the right questions”. Yet salespeople still leave their prospects feeling misunderstood.
Doing the occasional internal VC for a team meeting is not necessarily adequate preparation for this big shift.