If your people are not adapting to their clients, they are missing a significant part of client engagement.


If you walk around the floor of an inside sales operation you notice the buzz and excitement that comes with a great telesales / appointment environment. However, what are the chances of everyone having the same conversation to their customers? Do you think the field team are doing the same in face-to-face situations?


It’s important to recognise that all our clients are different and have different business needs. In fact, many organisations are recognising this as the world of sales changes.

There’s plenty of literature on personality types and even more on psychometrics to help you understand more about yourself which, let’s face it, we love that. Where this insight is often not exploited is understanding the impact personality has on others, and how we need to be more adaptive if we are to convey an effective message to our audience.

The inspiration for psychometrics dates to Darwin’s book The Origin of Species (1859). Darwin talked about individual differences in species. It was this realisation that spawned the need to measure those differences in people. Its popularity has spawned over 100 types of evaluations on the market.


But what does this mean for you and, in particular, for your team?

Many psychometrics offer 4 basic personality types (which can then break down into 4 areas offering 16 basic types, but DiSC like MBTI psychometrics claim to have over 850 varieties or traits of people. The moral of this story is that it can get complex. Here’s your guide to keep it simple:


Based on people’s propensity to be more extrovert than others (can be drawn as a Y-axis) and their assertiveness focusing on things at hand or the people around them (the X-axis) – there are 4 basic personality types, or in some cases colours.

Don’t think of this about yourself but instead think of the people you are engaging with.

  1. Driving style (Red) – they prefer quick decisions, direct answers, and thrive in a competitive atmosphere. They value solid results. Trust is given to those who are direct and straightforward.
  2. Expressive style (Yellow) – they are energetic and optimistic and like spending time in meetings or socialising. They value effective teamwork and creative approaches to problems. Trust is given to those who are open and expressive like them.
  3. Amiable style (Green) – these individuals prefer stability, predictability, and harmony rather than conflict. They value strong teamwork and the impact any tasks have on others. Trust is given to those who are sincere and considerate.
  4. Analytical style (Blue) – they value quality, accuracy, and order are hallmarks of this style. They seek high standards, careful analysis, and perfect results. They are cynical toward new ideas and will want to see the supporting data. Trust usually has to be earned.


If you strongly identify with one of these then you need to be conscious of people in your opposite group: Driver Vs Amiable, Expressive Vs Analytic. When you exhibit a strong personality type to your opposite type, they often hear it as white noise and tend to switch off!

So, adaptability is king. We are all capable of it. You talk differently to your children, friends, parents and even grandparents – its time you did the same thing with your prospects / clients.

Stuart Lothertington, Managing Director


If you’d like to know more about the power of Psychometrics and how it can help your team to adapt to their audiences then why not get in touch with our qualified consultants that can help. Contact us for a no obligation call to understand more: +44 (0) 20 7653 3740 or info@sbrconsulting.com


About this author:

Stuart Lotherington is the joint MD of SBR Consulting. He has studied client interactions for over 30 years, is qualified in DiSC and Insights psychometrics as well as being an NLP Practitioner. He has a degree in Psychology and studies Transactional Analysis.


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